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API > ReflectionProbe


ReflectionProbe inherits from Behaviour

The reflection probe is used to capture the surroundings into a texture which is passed to the shaders and used for reflections. Unity Reference



Name Description
ReflectionProbe.backgroundColorProperty The color with which the texture of reflection probe will be cleared.
ReflectionProbe.bakedTextureProperty Reference to the baked texture of the reflection probe's surrounding.
ReflectionProbe.blendDistanceProperty Distance around probe used for blending (used in deferred probes).
ReflectionProbe.boundsPropertyReadonly Property The probe's world space axis-aligned bounding box in which the probe can contribute to reflections (Read Only).
ReflectionProbe.boxProjectionProperty Should this reflection probe use box projection?
ReflectionProbe.centerProperty The center of the probe's bounding box in which the probe can contribute to reflections. The center is relative to the position of the probe.
ReflectionProbe.clearFlagsProperty How the reflection probe clears the background.
ReflectionProbe.cullingMaskProperty This is used to render parts of the reflecion probe's surrounding selectively.
ReflectionProbe.customBakedTextureProperty Reference to the baked texture of the reflection probe's surrounding. Use this to assign custom reflection texture.
ReflectionProbe.farClipPlaneProperty The far clipping plane distance when rendering the probe.
ReflectionProbe.hdrProperty Should this reflection probe use HDR rendering?
ReflectionProbe.importanceProperty Reflection probe importance.
ReflectionProbe.intensityProperty The intensity modifier that is applied to the texture of reflection probe in the shader.
ReflectionProbe.modeProperty Should reflection probe texture be generated in the Editor (ReflectionProbeMode.Baked) or should probe use custom specified texure (ReflectionProbeMode.Custom)?
ReflectionProbe.nearClipPlaneProperty The near clipping plane distance when rendering the probe.
ReflectionProbe.realtimeTextureProperty Reference to the realtime texture of the reflection probe's surroundings. Use this to assign a RenderTexture to use for realtime reflection.
ReflectionProbe.refreshModeProperty Sets the way the probe will refresh.
ReflectionProbe.renderDynamicObjectsProperty Specifies whether Unity should render non-static GameObjects into the Reflection Probe. If you set this to true, Unity renders non-static GameObjects into the Reflection Probe. If you set this to false, Unity does not render non-static GameObjects into the Reflection Probe. Unity only takes this property into account if the Reflection Probe's Type is Custom.
ReflectionProbe.resolutionProperty Resolution of the underlying reflection texture in pixels.
ReflectionProbe.shadowDistanceProperty Shadow drawing distance when rendering the probe.
ReflectionProbe.sizeProperty The size of the probe's bounding box in which the probe can contribute to reflections. The size is in world space.
ReflectionProbe.texturePropertyReadonly Property Texture which is passed to the shader of the objects in the vicinity of the reflection probe (Read Only). This texture is meant to represent reflection in a particular direction.
ReflectionProbe.textureHDRDecodeValuesPropertyReadonly Property HDR decode values of the reflection probe texture.
ReflectionProbe.timeSlicingModeProperty Sets this probe time-slicing mode

Static Properties⚓︎

Name Description
ReflectionProbe.defaultTexture Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property Texture which is used outside of all reflection probes (Read Only).
ReflectionProbe.defaultTextureHDRDecodeValues Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property HDR decode values of the default reflection probe texture.


Name Description
ReflectionProbe.IsFinishedRendering(renderId) Method Checks if a probe has finished a time-sliced render.
ReflectionProbe.RenderProbe(targetTexture=nil) Method Refreshes the probe's cubemap.
ReflectionProbe.Reset() Method Revert all ReflectionProbe parameters to default.

Static Methods⚓︎

Name Description
ReflectionProbe.BlendCubemap(src, dst, blend, target) Static fieldMethod Utility method to blend 2 cubemaps into a target render texture.

Inherited Members⚓︎

Inherited Properties⚓︎

Name Description
ReflectionProbe.enabledProperty Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not.
ReflectionProbe.isActiveAndEnabledProperty Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called?
ReflectionProbe.gameObjectPropertyReadonly Property The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.
ReflectionProbe.tagPropertyReadonly Property The tag of this game object.
ReflectionProbe.transformPropertyReadonly Property The Transform attached to this GameObject.
ReflectionProbe.hideFlagsProperty Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
ReflectionProbe.nameProperty The name of the object.

Inherited Methods⚓︎

Name Description
ReflectionProbe.BroadcastMessage(methodName, parameter=nil)Method Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object or any of its children.
ReflectionProbe.CompareTag(tag)Method Is this game object tagged with tag ?
ReflectionProbe.GetAllLuaScripts()Method Returns an array of all Lua scripts that attached to the game object.
ReflectionProbe.GetComponent(type)Method Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, nil if it doesn't.
ReflectionProbe.GetComponentInChildren(t)Method Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
ReflectionProbe.GetComponentInParent(t)Method Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
ReflectionProbe.GetComponents(type)Method Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject.
ReflectionProbe.GetComponentsInChildren(t)Method Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children.
ReflectionProbe.GetComponentsInParent(t)Method Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
ReflectionProbe.SendMessage(methodName, value=nil)Method Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object.
ReflectionProbe.SendMessageUpwards(methodName, value=nil)Method Calls the method named methodName on every LuaScript in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour.
ReflectionProbe.TryGetComponent(type)Method Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists.
ReflectionProbe.GetInstanceID()Method Returns the instance id of the object.