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OSC (open sound control) Lua Interface which allows to bind Lua functions to be executed when OSC messages received.


Static Properties⚓︎

Name Description
OSC.IsClientRunning Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property Is OSC client running?
OSC.IsServerRunning Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property Is the OSC server running?

Static Methods⚓︎

Name Description
OSC.HasAddress(address) Static fieldMethod Returns true if the address is registered.
OSC.SendMessage(address, parameters) Static fieldMethod Sends an OSC message to the specified address with basic parameters. Maximum of four (4) parameters allowed. Allowed parameter types are boolean, string and number (double). To have more control over parameter types, use type tag string.
OSC.SendMessageTypeTag(address, TypeTag, params) Static fieldMethod Send OSC message to the specified address with type tag defined parameters. Maximum of four (4) parameters allowed. Use the Type Tag string to define the types of the variables. Follow the OSC specification on type characters here
OSC.TryBindAddressPattern(address, function) Static fieldMethod Binds an address to a provided Lua function. Returns true if the operation was successful. Note that the provided functions parameters must match message received by OSC both in order and type.
OSC.TryUnBindAddressPattern(address) Static fieldMethod Unbind a previously bound address. Returns true if the operation was successful.