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API > NavMeshData


NavMeshData inherits from Object

Contains and represents NavMesh data.



Name Description
NavMeshData.positionProperty Gets or sets the world space position of the NavMesh data. The default value is zero - that is, the world space origin.
NavMeshData.rotationProperty Gets or sets the orientation of the NavMesh data.
NavMeshData.sourceBoundsProperty Returns the bounding volume of the input geometry used to build this NavMesh (Read Only).


Name Description
NavMeshData()Constructor Constructs a new object for representing a NavMesh for the default agent type.
NavMeshData(agentTypeID)Constructor Constructs a new object representing a NavMesh for the specified agent type.

Inherited Members⚓︎

Inherited Properties⚓︎

Name Description
NavMeshData.hideFlagsProperty Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
NavMeshData.nameProperty The name of the object.

Inherited Methods⚓︎

Name Description
NavMeshData.GetInstanceID()Method Returns the instance id of the object.

Extra Detail⚓︎

An object of this class can be used for creating instances of NavMeshes.