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  • Computer with Windows (for now) operating system installed.
  • Stable internet connection.


Knowledge and Experience:⚓︎

Massive Loop Worlds⚓︎

Each world in Massive Loop is part of the metaverse. Worlds can be big, or small. They can also be a game, a social hub, or a store. These worlds are built using Unity version 2020.3.35f1.

Massive Loop World Requirements⚓︎


Although there are no limitations on the content of the world, there are few common rules:

  1. Do not create worlds to scam users.
  2. Do not create worlds with inappropriate content. Inappropriate contents include but are not limited to: * Content with intention of Harassment or Discrimination. Content that attacks a person or group based on attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. * Use of profanity. * Content with the intent to reveal personal, real-file, and private information of users. * Recreation of sensitive historic or tragic events. * Content with intentions of selling or dealing illegal substances, firearms, and illegal services.
    * Personals information or rendering of yourself or 3dr party people. * Links or advertisements to inappropriate websites.
  3. Do not use copyrighted material (images, textures, audios, 3D models, etc.) without the proper consent of the copyright owner.


All world must:

  1. Have a proper entry point to the game. You can use MLO World Descriptor and MLO Spawn points to specify and control the spawn location.

  2. Perform well. Make sure you design your world with performance in mind. Low frame rate in VR will cause motion sickness in players. Bad performing worlds may be removed.

  3. All worlds are in 3D.
  4. Most Worlds are multiplayer.

Size limitation⚓︎

📦 The total Size of the world should not exceed 500MB.

Massive Loop World Characteristics⚓︎

  • Global size:

📐 The unity uses the SI system, commonly known as metric system. Massive Loop follows this system as well. Therefore each length unit in Massive Loop is One Meter, or roughly 3.28 feet and each Weight unity is One Kilogram, or roughly 2.2 Pounds.