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API > MLAudioChannelPolicy


Type describing the audio settings for an in-room audio channel.



Name Description
MLAudioChannelPolicy.MaxDistanceProperty The maximum distance which a player in the channel can be heard. [0-inf]
MLAudioChannelPolicy.MinDistanceProperty The minimum distance which a player in the channel can be heard. [0-inf]
MLAudioChannelPolicy.SpatialBlendProperty Similar to spatialBlend in audio source, the value defines if the audio is 2D (SpatialBlend=0) or 3D (SpatialBlend=1) [0-1]
MLAudioChannelPolicy.VolumeProperty The volume of the audio. [0-1]


Name Description
MLAudioChannelPolicy()Constructor Creates a new MLAudioChannelPolicy
MLAudioChannelPolicy(volume, spatialBlend, minDistance, maxDistance)Constructor Creates a new MLAudioChannelPolicy