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Allows to send and receive MIDI messages.


Static Properties⚓︎

Name Description
MIDI.InboundMIDIEnabled Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property Is the inbound MIDI communication enabled with a device.
MIDI.OnReceivedMIDI Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property Fires when a MIDI message is received.
MIDI.OutboundMIDIEnabled Static fieldPropertyReadonly Property Is the outbound MIDI communication enabled with a device.

Static Methods⚓︎

Name Description
MIDI.SendMIDI(message) Static fieldMethod Send a MIDI message.
MIDI.SendMIDI(function, channel, data1, data2) Static fieldMethod Create and send a MIDI message.
MIDI.SendNoteOff(channel, note, velocity) Static fieldMethod Send a MIDI Note-Off message.
MIDI.SendNoteOn(channel, note, velocity) Static fieldMethod Send a MIDI Note-On Message.