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API > AnimatorStateInfo


Information about the current or next state.



Name Description
AnimatorStateInfo.fullPathHashProperty The full path hash for this state.
AnimatorStateInfo.lengthProperty Current duration of the state.
AnimatorStateInfo.loopProperty Is the state looping.
AnimatorStateInfo.normalizedTimeProperty Normalized time of the State.
AnimatorStateInfo.shortNameHashProperty The hash is generated using Animator.StringToHash. The hash does not include the name of the parent layer.
AnimatorStateInfo.speedProperty The playback speed of the animation. 1 is the normal playback speed.
AnimatorStateInfo.speedMultiplierProperty The speed multiplier for this state.
AnimatorStateInfo.tagHashProperty The Tag of the State.


Name Description
AnimatorStateInfo.IsName(name) Method Does name match the name of the active state in the statemachine?
AnimatorStateInfo.IsTag(tag) Method Does tag match the tag of the active state in the statemachine.