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API > AnimationState


The AnimationState gives full control over animation blending.



Name Description
AnimationState.blendModeProperty Which blend mode should be used?
AnimationState.clipProperty The clip that is being played by this animation state.
AnimationState.enabledProperty Enables / disables the animation.
AnimationState.lengthProperty The length of the animation clip in seconds.
AnimationState.nameProperty The name of the animation.
AnimationState.normalizedSpeedProperty The normalized playback speed.
AnimationState.normalizedTimeProperty The normalized time of the animation.
AnimationState.speedProperty The playback speed of the animation. 1 is normal playback speed.
AnimationState.timeProperty The current time of the animation.
AnimationState.weightProperty The weight of animation.
AnimationState.wrapModeProperty Wrapping mode of the animation.


Name Description
AnimationState.AddMixingTransform(mix, recursive=true) Method Adds a transform which should be animated. This allows you to reduce the number of animations you have to create.
AnimationState.RemoveMixingTransform(mix) Method Removes a transform which should be animated.

Extra Detail⚓︎

In most cases the Animation interface is sufficient and easier to use. Use the AnimationState if you need full control over the animation blending any playback process. The AnimationState interface allows you to modify speed, weight, time and layers while any animation is playing. You can also setup animation mixing and wrapMode.