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Api > NavMesh > FindClosestEdge()

NavMesh.FindClosestEdge(Vector3 sourcePosition, NavMeshQueryFilter filter)⚓︎

ocate the closest NavMesh edge from a point on the NavMesh, subject to the constraints of the filter argument.


Name Type Description
sourcePosition Vector3 The origin of the distance query.
filter NavMeshQueryFilter A filter specifying which NavMesh areas can be passed when finding the nearest edge.


type Description
boolean True if the nearest edge is found.
NavMeshHit resulting location


---@type Vector3
local sourcePosition;

---@type NavMeshQueryFilter
local filter;

local val0, val1 = NavMesh:FindClosestEdge(sourcePosition, filter)
n and details of the nearest point on the nearest edge of the navmesh. This can be used to query how much extra space there is around the agent.