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Api > NavMesh > AddNavMeshData()

NavMesh.AddNavMeshData(NavMeshData navMeshData, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)⚓︎

Adds the specified NavMeshData to the game.


Name Type Description
navMeshData NavMeshData Contains the data for the navmesh.
position Vector3 Translate the navmesh to this position.
rotation Quaternion Rotate the navmesh to this orientation.


type Description
NavMeshDataInstance Representing the added navmesh.


---@type NavMeshData
local navMeshData;

---@type Vector3
local position;

---@type Quaternion
local rotation;

local val0 = NavMesh:AddNavMeshData(navMeshData, position, rotation)

Extra Detail⚓︎

This function is similar to AddNavMeshData above, but the position and rotation specified is applied in addition to the position and rotation where the NavMesh data was baked.