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Api > AnimationClip > SampleAnimation()

AnimationClip.SampleAnimation(GameObject go, number time)⚓︎

Samples an animation at a given time for any animated properties.


Name Type Description
go GameObject The animated game object.
time number The time to sample an animation.


---@type AnimationClip
local animationclip;

---@type GameObject
local go;

---@type number
local time;

animationclip.SampleAnimation(go, time)

Extra Detail⚓︎

t is recommended to use the Animation interface instead for performance reasons. This will sample animation at the given time. Any component properties that are animated in the clip will be replaced with the sampled value. Most of the time you want to use Animation.Play instead. SampleAnimation is useful when you need to jump between frames in an unordered way or based on some special input.