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Add Component > Massive Loop > Video > ML Video Extension

MLVideoExtension Component

This component extends the functionality of the native Unity Video Player and extra functionality. You can use this component to synchronize the position and state of the video across all players in a room.

This component carries most of the settings of the default video player and automatically changes the similar settings on video player. When using this component, modify the parameters on this component Only.



Video PlayerAccompanying VideoPlayer component. This is usually added automatically. Do not modify.
Audio SourceAudio output for this Video. If Not selected (null) the video Audio output set to "Direct".
Render TargetWhere to render the video? Use the drop-down to define how the video is rendered.
- Target RendererRender video on this Mesh Renderer.
- Target TextureRender video on this Render Texture.
Video Source TypeThe type of the video source. Use drop-down to select the source type.
- URLThe video source if URL type is selected.
- Video QualityQuality of the video if the URL video provider supports such selection.
- Video ClipVideo Clip if the selected video source type is video clip.
Try Synchronize Video PositionTries to synchronize video position as well as video state, such as playing, paused or stopped. Adds MLSynchronizer and attempts to synchronize the position of the video. Be aware that the there might be a +/-3 seconds difference
Play On AwakePlay the video on start of the frame.
LoopReplay the video immediately after it finished.
Start From SecondStart playing the video in specified time.
- Start TimeThe time in second to start playing the video. If Start From Second selected.

Event Actions ?

Play()Play videonone
Stop()Stop videonone
Pause()Pause videonone
SetURL(string)Set an online vide URL to be played.Online Video URL
JumpToTime(double)Jump current video timeTime to jump