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Add Component > Massive Loop Avatar > MLBoneDynamics


MLBoneDynamics apply physics to character's bones or joints. The component must attach to the root game object of the avatar.


  • None


RootThe root of the transform hierarchy to apply physics.
RootsMultiple roots are allowed. They all share the same parameters.
Update RateInternal physics simulation rate, measures in frames per seconds.
Update Mode
NormalUpdates physics in fixed timestamp as specified rate.
Animate PhysicsUpdates during the physic loop in order to synchronized with the physics engine.
Unscaled TimeUpdates independently of Time.timeScale.
DefaultUpdate physics every frame instead of specified rate, recommended.
DampingHow much the bones slowed down.
Damping DistribHow Damping change over hierarchy chain. Curve values are multiplied to corresponding parameters.
ElasticityHow much the force applied to return each bone to original orientation.
Elasticity DistribHow Elasticity change over hierarchy chain. Curve values are multiplied to corresponding parameters.
StiffnessHow much bone's original orientation are preserved.
Stiffness DistribHow Stiffness change over hierarchy chain. Curve values are multiplied to corresponding parameters.
InertHow much character's position change is ignored in physics simulation.
Inert DistribHow Inert change over hierarchy chain. Curve values are multiplied to corresponding parameters.
FrictionHow much the bones slowed down when collide.
Friction DistribHow Friction change over hierarchy chain. Curve values are multiplied to corresponding parameters.
RadiusEach bone can be a sphere to collide with colliders. Radius describe sphere's size.
Radius DistribHow Radius change over hierarchy chain. Curve values are multiplied to corresponding parameters.
End LengthIf End Length is not zero, an extra bone is generated at the end of transform hierarchy, length is multiplied by last two bone's distance.
End OffsetIf End Offset is not zero, an extra bone is generated at the end of transform hierarchy, offset is in character's local space.
GravityThe force apply to bones, in world space. Partial force apply to character's initial pose is cancelled out.
ForceThe force apply to bones, in world space.
Blend WeightControl how physics blends with existing animation.
CollidersCollider objects interact with the bones.
ExclusionsBones exclude from physics simulation.
Freeze AxisConstrain bones to move on specified plane.
Distant DisableDisable physics simulation automatically if character is far from local player.
Distance To ObjectPhysics simulation only works for object which are within this distance.