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MLVideoExtension inherits from Component

This component extends the functionality of the native Unity Video Player and extra functionality. You can use this component to synchronize the position and state of the video across all player in a room.



MLVideoExtension.OnVideoStatusChangedThis event fire when the status of the video changed by other clients in the room. Use if you check the “TryToSynchronizeVideoPosition” in component.
MLVideoExtension.OnVideoTimeChangedThis event will fire when the time of the video changed by other clients in the room. Use if you check the TryToSynchronizeVideoPosition in component.
MLVideoExtension.StatusThe current status of the video. (Read-only)
MLVideoExtension.URLThe URL of the video to play. When setting the URL, the video starts to play after load if the component set to player on awake.
MLVideoExtension.VideoTimeCurrent time of the video. You can set the time of the video to play this way.


MLVideoExtension.Jump(time)Jump the video to specified time and start/continue playing.
MLVideoExtension.Pause()Pauses the video if it is Playing.
MLVideoExtension.Play()Plays the video if it is Idle or `Paused.
MLVideoExtension.Stop()Stops the video.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

MLVideoExtension.gameObjectThe game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.
MLVideoExtension.tagThe tag of this game object.
MLVideoExtension.transformThe Transform attached to this GameObject.
MLVideoExtension.hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
MLVideoExtension.nameThe name of the object.

Inherited Methods

MLVideoExtension.BroadcastMessage(methodName, parameter=nil)Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object or any of its children.
MLVideoExtension.CompareTag(tag)Is this game object tagged with tag ?
MLVideoExtension.GetAllLuaScripts()Returns an array of all Lua scripts that attached to the game object.
MLVideoExtension.GetComponent(type)Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, nil if it doesn't.
MLVideoExtension.GetComponentInChildren(t)Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
MLVideoExtension.GetComponentInParent(t)Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
MLVideoExtension.GetComponents(type)Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject.
MLVideoExtension.GetComponentsInChildren(t)Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children.
MLVideoExtension.GetComponentsInParent(t)Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
MLVideoExtension.SendMessage(methodName, value=nil)Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object.
MLVideoExtension.SendMessageUpwards(methodName, value=nil)Calls the method named methodName on every LuaScript in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour.
MLVideoExtension.TryGetComponent(type)Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists.
MLVideoExtension.GetInstanceID()Returns the instance id of the object.