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Add Component > Massive Loop Avatar > Avatar Descriptor


Use MLAvatarDescriptor to define an Avatar. The component must attach to the root game object of the avatar.


  • None


NameThe name of the avatar prefab root object. This is name the name that will shown in prefab list.
Scale ModifierThe inverse of modified scale in fbx file. Refer to Avatar Upload for more info.
Eye CenterThe game object indicating the location of the eye. This game object will automatically set by the Editor.
Symmetrical HandsIndicating that the hands of this robot is symmetrical. When true, the editor adjusts the location and rotation of the right hand based on left hand.
Left HandThe game object indicating the location of the left hand. This game object will automatically set by the Editor.
- Right Hand(Visible if Symmetrical hands is false) The game object indicating the location of the right hand. This game object will automatically set by Editor.
L Laser Start PositionThe game object indicating the start location of the left hand laser.
-R Laser Start PositionThe game object indicating the start location of the right hand laser.
Seat AnchorThe game object indicating the location where the avatar seats. This game object will automatically set by the Editor.
Show BoundsIf selected the total bounds of the avatar will be drawn in scene view (or prefab view) using Gizmos.
Base Layer Animation ControllerThe Animation controller used for animating the avatar, meant for locomotion animations, Check the default locomotion controller.
Second Layer Animation ControllerThe Animation controller used for animating the avatar, meant for additive animations, e.g Hand animations. Check the default hand controller.
Emote Layer Animation ControllerThe animations in this layer will override all previous layer, can be used for creating emotes, toggling GameObjects On/Off, changing materials, etc. Check the provided ML Emote Controller.
Blink MechanicBlink mechanic to use for eye-blinking simulation. Respective options appear on the selection of a blink mechanics (Blendshape, TextureOffset, and Bone Transform). Select None to disable the eye-blinking simulation.
- Min Blink TimeMinimum time between blinks in seconds
- Max Blink TimeMaximum time between blinks in seconds
- Min Blink SpeedMinimum blink speed in milliseconds
- Max Blink SpeedMaximum blink speed in milliseconds
- Skinned Mesh RendererSkinned Mesh Renderer component that contains the blink blendshape.
- Blink BlendshapeBlendshape to use for blinking.
- Texture UV DirectionDirection in which eye-blink frames are laid out. Available options are Vertical, and Horizontal.
- Total FramesTotal eye blink frames in the texture atlas.
- Amount of Blink FramesThe amount of frames to be used in eye blink.
- Blink MaterialMaterial whose texture offset will get simulated.
- Left EyelidLeft eyelid transform.
- Right EyelidRight eyelid transform.
- Right Eyelid Open RotationRight eyelid rotation when eye is open, use Modify option to view/update the eyelid rotation on the avatar.
- Right Eyelid Closed RotationLeft eyelid rotation when eye is closed, use Modify option to view/update the eyelid rotation on the avatar.
Fixation MechanicEye Fixation mechanic to use for eye-fixation simulation. Respective options appear on the selection of a fixation mechanics (Bone Transform, and TextureOffset ). Select None to disable the eye-fixation simulation.
- Max Look RightMaximum rotation for lookin right (Avatar space), use Modify option to view/update the eye rotation.
- Max Look LeftMaximum rotation for looking left (Avatar space), use Modify option to view/update the eye rotation.
- Max Look UpMaximum rotation for looking up (Avatar space), use Modify option to view/update the eye rotation.
- Max Look DownMaximum rotation for looking down (Avatar space), use Modify option to view/update the eye rotation.
- Min Fixaton TimeMinimum Fixation time in seconds.
- Max Fixaton TimeMaximum Fixation time in seconds.
- Saccade DurationMovement eye between fixations in milliseconds.
- Fixation PowerRange[0-1]. How far the eye fixation point should be. When set to 1, the eye will be fixated on a target. When set to 0, the eye fixation point will be selected randomly between default eye position and the maximum fixation point.
- Left EyeLeft eye bone transform.
- Right EyeRight eye bone transform.
- Eyeball MaterialMaterial whose texture offset will get simulated, this should be different from the blink material.
Mouth Simulation MechanicMechanic to use for mouth simulation. Respective options appear on the selection of a mouth simulation mechanic (Jaw Bone, Jaw Bone Blendshape, Visemes Blendshape, Visemes Textures, and Visemes TextureOffset). Select None to disable the mouth simulation.
- Volume MultiplierVolume multiplier used for increasing the volume for jaw bone simulation.
- Jaw Bone TransformJaw bone transform to use for jaw bone simulation.
- Jaw Bone Closed RotationJaw bone rotation when it is closed.
- Jaw Bone Open RotationJaw bone rotation when it is open.
- Viseme Skinned Mesh RendererSkinnned Mesh Renderer component that contains the visemes blendshapes.
- BlendshapeJaw Movement Blendshape.
- VisemesBlendshape to be used for each viseme, use Detect to auto fill visemes blendshapes, doesn't guarantee correct detection.
- Viseme MaterialMaterial whose texture will get simulated.
- Visemes TexturesTexture to be used for each viseme.
- Visemes TextureOffsetTextureOffset to be used for each viseme.
Emotes MenuThe emote menu object which contains information about the emote input, animation parameters, etc. this will create an entry for emote in the Quick Menu. Refer to Emote Menu for more info.
PerformanceThe calculated avatar performance stats.