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Add Component > Massive Loop > MLStreamingBrowser

MLStreamingBrowser Component

This component creates an web browser in the world space. This web browser can be used and interacted by users in the room, or to be locked. This component can be used to stream videos from various online streaming services.

Note that the user inputs to this browser is not inherently synchronized. To perform synchronized changes to the browser, users can request the "Remote Control" and preform those changes from there. when request-able is unchecked, it allows the any user to control the web browser.

The Remote control can be spawned using secondary in VR and f + RMB or esc+RMB for Desktop Mode.

Note: Make sure the Gizmos are enabled in the browser in order to modify the browser surface.

Note: The browser URL can only be changed in the runtime if the "Is Request-able" is checked.


  • none


Base URLThe starting URL. If empty, then the browser defaults to massive loop website
Is Request-ableCan players request control of this streaming browser.
Resolution MultiplierModifies the resolution of the web browser. (0-10]

Event Actions ?

SetTargetURL(string)Sets a URL for browser to gonew URL

