Animator inherits from Behaviour
Interface to control the Mecanim animation system. Unity Animator
Name | Description |
Animator .angularVelocity | Gets the avatar angular velocity for the last evaluated frame. |
Animator .applyRootMotion | Should root motion be applied? |
Animator .avatar | Gets/Sets the current Avatar. |
Animator .bodyPosition | The position of the body center of mass. |
Animator .bodyRotation | The rotation of the body center of mass. |
Animator .cullingMode | Controls culling of this Animator component. |
Animator .deltaPosition | Gets the avatar delta position for the last evaluated frame. |
Animator .deltaRotation | Gets the avatar delta rotation for the last evaluated frame. |
Animator .feetPivotActive | Blends pivot point between body center of mass and feet pivot. |
Animator .fireEvents | Sets whether the Animator sends events of type AnimationEvent. |
Animator .gravityWeight | The current gravity weight based on current animations that are played. |
Animator .hasBoundPlayables | Returns true if Animator has any playables assigned to it. |
Animator .hasRootMotion | Returns true if the current rig has root motion. |
Animator .hasTransformHierarchy | Returns true if the object has a transform hierarchy. |
Animator .humanScale | Returns the scale of the current Avatar for a humanoid rig, (1 by default if the rig is generic). |
Animator .isHuman | Returns true if the current rig is humanoid, false if it is generic. |
Animator .isInitialized | Returns whether the animator is initialized successfully. |
Animator .isMatchingTarget | If automatic matching is active. |
Animator .isOptimizable | Returns true if the current rig is optimizable with AnimatorUtility.OptimizeTransformHierarchy. |
Animator .keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable | Controls the behaviour of the Animator component when a GameObject is disabled. |
Animator .layerCount | Returns the number of layers in the controller. |
Animator .layersAffectMassCenter | Additional layers affects the center of mass. |
Animator .leftFeetBottomHeight | Get left foot bottom height. |
Animator .parameterCount | Returns the number of parameters in the controller. |
Animator .parameters | The AnimatorControllerParameter list used by the animator. (Read Only) |
Animator .pivotPosition | Get the current position of the pivot. |
Animator .pivotWeight | Gets the pivot weight. |
Animator .playbackTime | Sets the playback position in the recording buffer. |
Animator .rightFeetBottomHeight | Get right foot bottom height. |
Animator .rootPosition | The root position, the position of the game object. |
Animator .rootRotation | The root rotation, the rotation of the game object. |
Animator .runtimeAnimatorController | The runtime representation of AnimatorController that controls the Animator. |
Animator .speed | The playback speed of the Animator. 1 is normal playback speed. |
Animator .stabilizeFeet | Automatic stabilization of feet during transition and blending. |
Animator .targetPosition | Returns the position of the target specified by SetTarget. |
Animator .targetRotation | Returns the rotation of the target specified by SetTarget. |
Animator .updateMode | Specifies the update mode of the Animator. |
Animator .velocity | Gets the avatar velocity for the last evaluated frame. |
Name | Description |
Animator .ApplyBuiltinRootMotion() | Apply the default Root Motion. |
Animator .CrossFade(stateName, normalizedTransitionDuration, layer=-1, normalizedTimeOffset=0, normalizedTransitionTime=0) | Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. |
Animator .CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateName, fixedTransitionDuration, layer=-1, fixedTimeOffset=0, normalizedTransitionTime=0) | Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. |
Animator .GetAnimatorTransitionInfo(layerIndex) | Returns an AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition. |
Animator .GetBoneTransform(humanBoneId) | Returns Transform mapped to this human bone id. Returns null if the animator is disabled, if it does not have a human description, or if the bone id is invalid. |
Animator .GetBool(name) | Returns the value of the given boolean parameter. |
Animator .GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex) | Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state of the given layer. |
Animator .GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount(layerIndex) | Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. |
Animator .GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layerIndex) | Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state. |
Animator .GetFloat(name) | Returns the value of the given float parameter. |
Animator .GetIKHintPosition(hint) | Gets the position of an IK hint. |
Animator .GetIKHintPositionWeight(hint) | Gets the translative weight of an IK Hint (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the hint). |
Animator .GetIKPosition(goal) | Gets the position of an IK goal. |
Animator .GetIKPositionWeight(goal) | Gets the translative weight of an IK goal (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the goal). |
Animator .GetIKRotation(goal) | Gets the rotation of an IK goal. |
Animator .GetIKRotationWeight(goal) | Gets the rotational weight of an IK goal (0 = rotation before IK, 1 = rotation at the IK goal). |
Animator .GetInteger(name) | Returns the value of the given integer parameter. |
Animator .GetLayerIndex(layerName) | Returns the index of the layer with the given name. |
Animator .GetLayerName(layerIndex) | Returns the layer name. |
Animator .GetLayerWeight(layerIndex) | Returns the weight of the layer at the specified index. |
Animator .GetNextAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex) | Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state of the given layer. |
Animator .GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount(layerIndex) | Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. |
Animator .GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(layerIndex) | Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state. |
Animator .GetParameter(index) | Get animator controller parameter. |
Animator .HasState(layerIndex, stateID) | Returns true if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise. |
Animator .InterruptMatchTarget(completeMatch) | Interrupts the automatic target matching. |
Animator .IsInTransition(layerIndex) | Returns true if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise. |
Animator .IsParameterControlledByCurve(name) | Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. |
Animator .MatchTarget(matchPosition, matchRotation, targetBodyPart, positionXYZWeight , rotationWeight, startNormalizedTime, targetNormalizedTime, completeMatch=1) | Automatically adjust the GameObject position and rotation. |
Animator .Play(stateName, layer, normalizedTime=-#INF) | Plays a state. |
Animator .PlayInFixedTime(stateName, layer=-1, fixedTime=-#INF) | Plays a state. |
Animator .Rebind() | Rebind all the animated properties and mesh data with the Animator. |
Animator .ResetTrigger(name) | Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. |
Animator .SetBoneLocalRotation(humanBoneId, rotation) | Sets local rotation of a human bone during a IK pass. |
Animator .SetBool(name, value) | Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. |
Animator .SetFloat(name, value) | Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. |
Animator .SetFloat(name, value, dampTime, deltaTime) | Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. |
Animator .SetIKHintPosition(hint, hintPosition) | Sets the position of an IK hint. |
Animator .SetIKHintPositionWeight(hint, value) | Sets the translative weight of an IK hint (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the hint). |
Animator .SetIKPosition(goal, goalPosition) | Sets the position of an IK goal. |
Animator .SetIKPositionWeight(goal, value) | Sets the translative weight of an IK goal (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the goal). |
Animator .SetIKRotation(goal, goalRotation) | Sets the rotation of an IK goal. |
Animator .SetIKRotationWeight(goal, value) | Sets the rotational weight of an IK goal (0 = rotation before IK, 1 = rotation at the IK goal). |
Animator .SetInteger(name, value) | Sets the value of the given integer parameter. |
Animator .SetLayerWeight(layerIndex, weight) | Sets the weight of the layer at the given index. |
Animator .SetLookAtPosition(lookAtPosition) | Sets the look at position. |
Animator .SetLookAtWeight(weight, bodyWeight=0, headWeight=1, eyesWeight=0, clampWeight=0.5) | Set look at weights. |
Animator .SetTarget(targetIndex, targetNormalizedTime) | Sets an AvatarTarget and a targetNormalizedTime for the current state. |
Animator .SetTrigger(name) | Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. |
Animator .StartPlayback() | Sets the animator in playback mode. |
Animator .StopPlayback() | Stops the animator playback mode. When playback stops, the avatar resumes getting control from game logic. |
Animator .Update(deltaTime) | Evaluates the animator based on deltaTime. |
Animator .WriteDefaultValues() | Forces a write of the default values stored in the animator. |
Static Methods
Name | Description |
Animator .StringToHash(name) | Generates an parameter id from a string. |
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
Name | Description |
Animator .enabled | Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. |
Animator .isActiveAndEnabled | Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called? |
Animator .gameObject | The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object. |
Animator .tag | The tag of this game object. |
Animator .transform | The Transform attached to this GameObject. |
Animator .hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
Animator .name | The name of the object. |
Inherited Methods
Name | Description |
Animator .BroadcastMessage(methodName, parameter=nil) | Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object or any of its children. |
Animator .CompareTag(tag) | Is this game object tagged with tag ? |
Animator .GetAllLuaScripts() | Returns an array of all Lua scripts that attached to the game object. |
Animator .GetComponent(type) | Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, nil if it doesn't. |
Animator .GetComponentInChildren(t) | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. |
Animator .GetComponentInParent(t) | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. |
Animator .GetComponents(type) | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. |
Animator .GetComponentsInChildren(t) | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. |
Animator .GetComponentsInParent(t) | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. |
Animator .SendMessage(methodName, value=nil) | Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object. |
Animator .SendMessageUpwards(methodName, value=nil) | Calls the method named methodName on every LuaScript in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. |
Animator .TryGetComponent(type) | Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists. |
Animator .GetInstanceID() | Returns the instance id of the object. |