Physics .BakeMesh(meshID, convex) | Prepares the Mesh for use with a MeshCollider. |
Physics .BoxCast(physicBox) | Casts the box along a ray and returns detailed information on what was hit. |
Physics .BoxCastAll(physicBox) | Like Physics.BoxCast, but returns all hits. |
Physics .CapsuleCast(physicCapsule) | Casts a capsule against all colliders in the Scene and returns detailed information on what was hit. |
Physics .CapsuleCastAll(physicCapsule) | Like Physics.CapsuleCast, but this function will return all hits the capsule sweep intersects. |
Physics .CheckBox(physicBox) | Check whether the given box overlaps with other colliders or not. |
Physics .CheckCapsule(physicCapsule) | Checks if any colliders overlap a capsule-shaped volume in world space. |
Physics .CheckSphere(physicSphere) | Returns true if there are any colliders overlapping the sphere defined by PhysicSphere. |
Physics .ClosestPoint(point, collider, position, rotation) | Returns a point on the given collider that is closest to the specified location. |
Physics .ComputePenetration(colliderA, positionA, rotationA, colliderB, positionB, rotationB) | Compute the minimal translation required to separate the given colliders apart at specified poses. |
Physics .GetIgnoreCollision(collider1, collider2) | Checks whether the collision detection system will ignore all collisions/triggers between collider1 and collider2 or not. |
Physics .GetIgnoreLayerCollision(layer1, layer2) | Are collisions between layer1 and layer2 being ignored? |
Physics .IgnoreCollision(collider1, collider2, ignore=true) | Makes the collision detection system ignore all collisions between collider1 and collider2. |
Physics .Linecast(physicLine) | Returns true if there is any collider intersecting the line between start and end. |
Physics .OverlapBox(physicBox) | Find all colliders touching or inside of the given physic box. |
Physics .OverlapCapsule(physicCapsule) | Check the given capsule against the physics world and return all overlapping colliders. |
Physics .OverlapSphere(physicSphere) | Computes and stores colliders touching or inside the sphere. |
Physics .Raycast(physicRay) | Casts a ray, from point origin, in direction direction, of length maxDistance, against all colliders in the Scene. |
Physics .RaycastAll(physicRay) | Casts a ray through the Scene and returns all hits. Note that order of the results is undefined. |
Physics .RebuildBroadphaseRegions(worldBounds, subdivisions) | Rebuild the broadphase interest regions as well as set the world boundaries. |
Physics .Simulate(step) | Simulate physics in the Scene. |
Physics .SphereCast(physicSphere) | Casts a sphere along a ray and returns detailed information on what was hit. |
Physics .SphereCastAll(physicSphere) | Like Physics.SphereCast, but this function will return all hits the sphere sweep intersects. |
Physics .SyncTransforms() | Apply Transform changes to the physics engine. |