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NavMesh.SamplePosition(Vector3 sourcePosition, number maxDistance, NavMeshQueryFilter filter)

Samples the position nearest the sourcePosition on any NavMesh built for the agent type specified by the filter. Consider only positions on areas defined in the NavMeshQueryFilter.areaMask. A maximum search radius is set by maxDistance. The information of any found position is returned in the hit argument.


sourcePositionVector3The origin of the sample query.
maxDistancenumberSample within this distance from sourcePosition.
filterNavMeshQueryFilterA filter specifying which NavMesh areas are allowed when finding the nearest point.


booleanTrue if the nearest point is found.
NavMeshHitHolds the properties of the resulting location. The value of hit.normal is never computed. It is always (0,0,0).


---@type Vector3
local sourcePosition;

---@type number
local maxDistance;

---@type NavMeshQueryFilter
local filter;

local val0, val1 = NavMesh:SamplePosition(sourcePosition, maxDistance, filter)

extended to surrounding NavMesh positions. inds the nearest point based on the distance to the query point. This function does not consider obstructions. For example, in a two story structure, if the sourcePosition is set to a point on the ceiling on the first floor, the nearest point might be found on the second floor rather than the first floor. The ceiling is not considered as an obstruction. This function may reduce the frame rate if a large search radius is specified. To avoid frame rate issues, it is recommended that you specify a maxDistance of twice the agent height. If you are trying to find a random point on the NavMesh, you should use the recommended radius and perform the find multiple times instead of using a very large radius.