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NavMesh.CalculatePath(Vector3 sourcePosition, Vector3 targetPosition, NavMeshQueryFilter filter)

Calculate a path between two points and store the resulting path.


sourcePositionVector3The initial position of the path requested.
targetPositionVector3The final position of the path requested.
filterNavMeshQueryFilterA filter specifying the cost of NavMesh areas that can be passed when calculating a path.


booleanTrue if a either a complete or partial path is found and false otherwise.
NavMeshPathThe resulting path.


---@type Vector3
local sourcePosition;

---@type Vector3
local targetPosition;

---@type NavMeshQueryFilter
local filter;

local val0, val1 = NavMesh:CalculatePath(sourcePosition, targetPosition, filter)

Extra Detail

Use this function to avoid gameplay delays by planning a path before it is needed. You can also use this function to check if a target position is reachable before moving the agent. This function is non-asynchronous. It performs path finding immediately which can adversely affect the frame rate when processing very long paths. It is recommended to only perform a few path finds per frame when, for example, evaluating distances to cover points.