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AudioSource.GetSpectrumData(number Length, number channel, FFTWindow window)

Provides a block of the currently playing audio source's spectrum data.
The array given in the samples parameter will be filled with the requested data.


LengthnumberLength of the block of the Spectrum Data to be returned. Must be a power of 2.
channelnumberThe channel to sample from.
windowFFTWindowThe FFTWindow type to use when sampling.


number[]The array populated with audio samples.


---@type AudioSource
local audiosource;

---@type number
local Length;

---@type number
local channel;

---@type FFTWindow
local window;

local val0 = audiosource.GetSpectrumData(Length, channel, window)

Extra Detail

Number of values (the length of the samples array provided) must be a power of 2. (ie 128/256/512 etc). Min = 64. Max = 8192. Use window to reduce leakage between frequency bins/bands. Note, the more complex window type, the better the quality, but reduced speed.