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A Special kind of type which manages the locomotion values of a player. Can be used to set or get the various value regarding player control.



PlayerLocomotion.GetDashingMultiplier()Gets the dashing multiplier.
PlayerLocomotion.GetJumpSpeed()Gets the current jump speed.
PlayerLocomotion.GetWalkingSpeed()Gets the current walking speed.
PlayerLocomotion.IsClimbEnabled()Is the player allowed to climb on the walls?
PlayerLocomotion.IsDashingEnabled()Checks if the dashing is enabled. Returns true if the dashing is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsHoloTeleportModeEnabled()Checks if the Holo Teleport mode is enabled. Returns true if the Holo Teleport mode is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsJumpEnabled()Checks if the jumping is enabled. Returns true if the jumping is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsLocomotionEnabled()Checks if the locomotion is enabled for the player. Returns true if the locomotion is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsTeleportModeEnabled()Checks if the Teleport mode is enabled. Returns true if the Teleport mode is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsTurnEnabled()Checks if the turning is enabled. Returns true if the turning is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsWalkingEnabled()Checks if the walking is enabled. Returns true if the walking is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.IsWalkModeEnabled()Checks if the walk mode is enabled. Returns true if the walk mode is enabled.
PlayerLocomotion.RevertLocomotionType()Reverts the user’s locomotion type to their preferred locomotion.
PlayerLocomotion.SetDashingMultiplier(value)Sets the dashing multiplier.
PlayerLocomotion.SetDefault()Sets the values of the locomotion to global default. The global default values are defined by ML developers.
PlayerLocomotion.SetJumpSpeed(value)Sets the jump speed.
PlayerLocomotion.SetWalkingSpeed(value)Sets the walking speed of the player.
PlayerLocomotion.SetWorldDefault()Sets the values of the locomotion to the world default. The world default values are defined in World Descriptor.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleClimb(value)Toggle if the player can climb the walls or not.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleDashing(value)Enables or disables dashing for the player. This has no effect on walking.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleHoloTeleportMode(value)Enables or disables the Holo Teleport Mode.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleJump(value)Enables or disables jumping for the player.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleLocomotion(value)Enables or disables all the locomotion for player. Disabling and enabling does not override previously set individual values.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleTeleportMode(value)Enables or disables the Teleport Mode.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleTurn(value)Enables or disables turning for the player.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleWalking(value)Enables or disables the walking of the player. The dashing is also disables when the walking is disabled.
PlayerLocomotion.ToggleWalkMode(value)Enables or disables the walk mode.