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OSC.SendMessageTypeTag(string address, string TypeTag, [optionalArguments] params)

Send OSC message to the specified address with type tag defined parameters. Maximum of four (4) parameters allowed. Use the Type Tag string to define the types of the variables. Follow the OSC specification on type characters here


addressstringThe destination OSC address.
TypeTagstringThe TypeTag string defining exact type of the parameters.
params[optionalArguments]Optional parameters to send. Max 4 allowed. Order and type must match the type tag.


---@type string
local address;

---@type string
local TypeTag;

---@type [optionalArguments]
local params;

OSC:SendMessageTypeTag(address, TypeTag, params)

Extra Detail

Use only the type characters to create the TypeTag string. For example, to send a message with an integer and a float parameter and a string parameter, we need to define our TypeTag string as “ifs”. Note that to send a Boolean parameter, you can use both ‘T’ or ‘F’ character in the TypeTag. The actual tag will be set by the value of the passed parameter.