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standard 4x4 transformation matrix.



Matrix4x4.[index]Access element at sequential index (1..16 inclusive).
Matrix4x4.[[row, column]](./[row, column].md)Access element at [row, column].
Matrix4x4.decomposeProjectionThis property takes a projection matrix and returns the six plane coordinates that define a projection frustum.
Matrix4x4.determinantThe determinant of the matrix. (Read Only)
Matrix4x4.inverseThe inverse of this matrix. (Read Only)
Matrix4x4.isIdentityChecks whether this is an identity matrix. (Read Only)
Matrix4x4.lossyScaleAttempts to get a scale value from the matrix. (Read Only)
Matrix4x4.rotationAttempts to get a rotation quaternion from this matrix.
Matrix4x4.transposeReturns the transpose of this matrix (Read Only).

Static Properties

Matrix4x4.identityReturns the identity matrix (Read Only).
Matrix4x4.zeroReturns a matrix with all elements set to zero (Read Only).


Matrix4x4.GetColumn(index)Get a column of the matrix.
The i-th column is returned as a Vector4. i must be from 1 to 4 inclusive.
Matrix4x4.GetRow(index)Returns a row of the matrix.
Matrix4x4.MultiplyPoint(point)Transforms a position by this matrix (generic).
Matrix4x4.MultiplyPoint3x4( point)Transforms a position by this matrix (fast).
Matrix4x4.MultiplyVector(vector)Transforms a direction by this matrix.
Matrix4x4.SetColumn(index, column)Sets a column of the matrix.
Matrix4x4.SetRow(index, row)Sets a row of the matrix.
Matrix4x4.TransformPlane(plane)Returns a plane that is transformed in space.
Matrix4x4.ValidTRS()Checks if this matrix is a valid transform matrix.

Static Methods

Matrix4x4.Frustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)This function returns a projection matrix with viewing frustum that has a near plane defined by the coordinates that were passed in.
Matrix4x4.Frustum(frustumPlanes)This function returns a projection matrix with viewing frustum that has a near plane defined by the coordinates that were passed in.
Matrix4x4.Inverse3DAffine(input)Computes the inverse of a 3D affine matrix.
Matrix4x4.LookAt(from, to, up)Create a "look at" matrix.
Matrix4x4.Ortho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)Create an orthogonal projection matrix.
Matrix4x4.Perspective(fov, aspect, zNear, zFar)Create a perspective projection matrix.
Matrix4x4.Rotate(q)Creates a rotation matrix.
Matrix4x4.Scale(vector)Creates a scaling matrix.
Matrix4x4.Translate(vector)Creates a translation matrix.
Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, q, s)Creates a translation, rotation and scaling matrix.


Operator (Matrix4x4*Matrix4x4)Multiplies two matrices.

| Operator (Matrix4x4*Vector4) | Transforms a Vector4 by a matrix. |

Extra Detail

A transformation matrix can perform arbitrary linear 3D transformations (i.e. translation, rotation, scale, shear etc.) and perspective transformations using homogenous coordinates. You rarely use matrices in scripts; most often using Vector3s, Quaternions and functionality of Transform class is more straightforward. Plain matrices are used in special cases like setting up nonstandard camera projection.