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Texture inherits from Object

Base class for Texture handling.



Texture.anisoLevelDefines the anisotropic filtering level of the Texture.
Texture.dimensionDimensionality (type) of the Texture (Read Only).
Texture.filterModeFiltering mode of the texture.
Texture.heightHeight of the texture in pixels. (Read Only)
Texture.isReadableReturns true if the Read/Write Enabled checkbox was checked when the texture was imported; otherwise returns false. For a dynamic Texture created from script, always returns true.
Texture.mipMapBiasMip map bias of the texture.
Texture.mipmapCountHow many mipmap levels are in this texture (Read Only).
Texture.updateCountThis counter is incremented when the texture is updated.
Texture.widthWidth of the texture in pixels. (Read Only)
Texture.wrapModeTexture coordinate wrapping mode.
Texture.wrapModeUTexture U coordinate wrapping mode.
Texture.wrapModeVTexture V coordinate wrapping mode.
Texture.wrapModeWTexture W coordinate wrapping mode for Texture3D.


Texture.GetNativeTexturePtr()Retrieve a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the Texture resource.
Texture.IncrementUpdateCount()Increment the update counter. Call this method when you update a Texture from the GPU side, or you want to explicitly increment the counter.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Texture.hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
Texture.nameThe name of the object.

Inherited Methods

Texture.GetInstanceID()Returns the instance id of the object.