Rigidbody inherits from Component
Control of an object's position through physics simulation. Unity Rigidbody
Name | Description |
Rigidbody .angularDrag | The angular drag of the object. |
Rigidbody .angularVelocity | The angular velocity vector of the rigidbody measured in radians per second. |
Rigidbody .centerOfMass | The center of mass relative to the transform's origin. |
Rigidbody .collisionDetectionMode | The Rigidbody's collision detection mode. |
Rigidbody .constraints | Controls which degrees of freedom are allowed for the simulation of this Rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .detectCollisions | Should collision detection be enabled? (By default always enabled). |
Rigidbody .drag | The drag of the object. |
Rigidbody .freezeRotation | Controls whether physics will change the rotation of the object. |
Rigidbody .inertiaTensor | The diagonal inertia tensor of mass relative to the center of mass. |
Rigidbody .inertiaTensorRotation | The rotation of the inertia tensor. |
Rigidbody .interpolation | Interpolation allows you to smooth out the effect of running physics at a fixed frame rate. |
Rigidbody .isKinematic | Controls whether physics affects the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .mass | The mass of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .maxAngularVelocity | The maximimum angular velocity of the rigidbody measured in radians per second. (Default 7) range [0, infinity]. |
Rigidbody .maxDepenetrationVelocity | Maximum velocity of a rigidbody when moving out of penetrating state. |
Rigidbody .position | The position of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .rotation | The rotation of the Rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .sleepThreshold | The mass-normalized energy threshold, below which objects start going to sleep. |
Rigidbody .solverIterations | The solverIterations determines how accurately Rigidbody joints and collision contacts are resolved. Overrides Physics.defaultSolverIterations. Must be positive. |
Rigidbody .solverVelocityIterations | The solverVelocityIterations affects how how accurately Rigidbody joints and collision contacts are resolved. Overrides Physics.defaultSolverVelocityIterations. Must be positive. |
Rigidbody .useGravity | Controls whether gravity affects this rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .velocity | The velocity vector of the rigidbody. It represents the rate of change of Rigidbody position. |
Rigidbody .worldCenterOfMass | The center of mass of the rigidbody in world space (Read Only). |
Name | Description |
Rigidbody .AddExplosionForce(explosionForce, explosionPosition, explosionRadius, upwardsModifier=0, mode=ForceMode.Force) | Applies a force to a rigidbody that simulates explosion effects. |
Rigidbody .AddForce(force, mode=ForceMode.Force) | Adds a force to the Rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .AddForceAtPosition(force, position, mode=ForceMode.Force) | Applies force at position. As a result this will apply a torque and force on the object. |
Rigidbody .AddRelativeForce(force, mode=ForceMode.Force) | Adds a force to the rigidbody relative to its coordinate system. |
Rigidbody .AddRelativeTorque(torque, mode=ForceMode.Force) | Adds a torque to the rigidbody relative to its coordinate system. |
Rigidbody .AddTorque(torque, mode=ForceMode.Force) | Adds a torque to the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .ClosestPointOnBounds(position) | The closest point to the bounding box of the attached colliders. |
Rigidbody .GetPointVelocity(worldPoint) | The velocity of the rigidbody at the point worldPoint in global space. |
Rigidbody .GetRelativePointVelocity(relativePoint) | The velocity relative to the rigidbody at the point relativePoint. |
Rigidbody .IsSleeping() | Is the rigidbody sleeping? |
Rigidbody .MovePosition(position) | Moves the kinematic Rigidbody towards position. |
Rigidbody .MoveRotation(rot) | Rotates the rigidbody to rotation. |
Rigidbody .ResetCenterOfMass() | Reset the center of mass of the rigidbody. |
Rigidbody .ResetInertiaTensor() | Reset the inertia tensor value and rotation. |
Rigidbody .SetDensity(density) | Sets the mass based on the attached colliders assuming a constant density. |
Rigidbody .Sleep() | Forces a rigidbody to sleep at least one frame. |
Rigidbody .SweepTest(direction, maxDistance=math.huge, queryTriggerInteraction=QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal) | Tests if a rigidbody would collide with anything, if it was moved through the Scene. |
Rigidbody .SweepTestAll(direction, maxDistance=math.huge, queryTriggerInteraction=QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal) | Like Rigidbody.SweepTest, but returns all hits. |
Rigidbody .WakeUp() | Forces a rigidbody to wake up. |
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
Name | Description |
Rigidbody .gameObject | The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object. |
Rigidbody .tag | The tag of this game object. |
Rigidbody .transform | The Transform attached to this GameObject. |
Rigidbody .hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
Rigidbody .name | The name of the object. |
Inherited Methods
Name | Description |
Rigidbody .BroadcastMessage(methodName, parameter=nil) | Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object or any of its children. |
Rigidbody .CompareTag(tag) | Is this game object tagged with tag ? |
Rigidbody .GetAllLuaScripts() | Returns an array of all Lua scripts that attached to the game object. |
Rigidbody .GetComponent(type) | Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, nil if it doesn't. |
Rigidbody .GetComponentInChildren(t) | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. |
Rigidbody .GetComponentInParent(t) | Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. |
Rigidbody .GetComponents(type) | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. |
Rigidbody .GetComponentsInChildren(t) | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. |
Rigidbody .GetComponentsInParent(t) | Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. |
Rigidbody .SendMessage(methodName, value=nil) | Calls the method named methodName on every Lua Script in this game object. |
Rigidbody .SendMessageUpwards(methodName, value=nil) | Calls the method named methodName on every LuaScript in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. |
Rigidbody .TryGetComponent(type) | Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists. |
Rigidbody .GetInstanceID() | Returns the instance id of the object. |