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In game event system handler. Check out tutorial on event handlers.


Static Methods

LuaEvents.Add(eventName, handler)Adds the handler function to the event with name provided on eventName. The eventName doesn't need to be unique, or defined before. Throws error if handler is not a callable type. Each handler will receive a unique key (LuaEventId) which can used to remove the handler.
LuaEvents.AddLocal(script, eventName, handler)Like Add(), however this method adds the handler to the Local Event. Local event is an event only defined for individual Game Object and Script combination.
LuaEvents.GetNumberOfEvents()Returns the total number of events registered. Can be used by simplified operator: #LuaEvents;
LuaEvents.Invoke(evnetName, optional_arguments)Invokes the event which is specified in eventName. You can pass any amount of arguments.
LuaEvents.InvokeForAll(evnetName, optional_arguments)Invokes the event which is specified in eventName for all players in the session joined to the world including the sender.
LuaEvents.InvokeForMaster(eventName, optional_arguments)Invokes the event which is specified in eventName for master client and the sender.
LuaEvents.InvokeForMasterOnly(eventName, optional_arguments)Invokes the event which is specified in eventName for master client , excluding the sender.
LuaEvents.InvokeForOthers(evnetName, optional_arguments)Invokes the event which is specified in eventName for all players in the session joined to the world excluding the sender.
LuaEvents.InvokeLocal(script, eventName, optional-arguments)Like the Invoke() but invokes a local event.
LuaEvents.InvokeLocalForAll(script, eventName, optional-arguments)Like InvokeForAll() but invokes the local event that defined in the exact similar game object and Lua Script in all the clients. This requires for that game object to be existed during the build or instantiated using network methods.
LuaEvents.InvokeLocalForMaster(script, eventName, optional-arguments)Like InvokeForMaster() but invokes the local event that defined in the exact similar game object and Lua Script in all the master client. This requires for that game object to be existed during the build or instantiated using network methods.
LuaEvents.InvokeLocalNetwork(script, key, target, players[], args)Invoke a local (script+gameObject specific) event over the network.
LuaEvents.InvokeNetwork(key, target, players[], args)Invoke an event over the network.
LuaEvents.Remove(eventId)Removes a handler.


let's imagine we have two scripts. In one of them, we attach a function as a handler for an event and Invoke it in another script In script A, we create a function myEventHandler and attach it to the event OnMyEvent. script A:

local scriptA = LUA.Script;

-- define that handler function
function myEventHandler(message)
Debug.Log("The Evnet handled "..message);

function scriptA.start()
-- attach the handler to the event.
eventId = LuaEvents.Add("OnMyEvent", myEventHandler);


In script B, we can invoke the event.

Script B:

local scriptB = LUA.Script;

function scriptB.start()
-- invoke the event when appropiate
LuaEvents.Invoke("OnMyEvent", "Hello");


You can remove the handler as well.

Script A:

local scriptA = LUA.Script;

-- define that handler function
function myEventHandler(message)
Debug.log("The Evnet handled "..message);

function scriptA.start()
-- attach the handler to the event.
eventId = LuaEvents.Add("OnMyEvent", myEventHandler);

-- remove the handler
