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The HttpClient class simplifies HTTP communication in the Massive Loop, offering a set of features for sending requests and handling responses.



HttpClient.UseCookiesEnables the client to store cookies set by web servers and use them when sending subsequent web requests.
HttpClient.UseDefaultHeadersUses the default headers if set to true.
HttpClient.UseDefaultUserAgentSets a default user agent to the client.
HttpClient.UseDeflateDecompressionEnables using the Deflate Decompression.
HttpClient.UseGZipDecompressionEnables using the GZip Decompression.


HttpClient()Creates a new HttpClient.


HttpClient.AddCookie(domain, Name, value)Add a new cookie to the list of cookies used by the Http Client.
HttpClient.AddCustomUserAgent(User agent)Add a new custom user agent. The user agent needs to be in proper format of ProductName/ProductVersion
HttpClient.AddUserAgentProductInfo(name, version)Adds a new user agent with product name and product version.
HttpClient.ClearUserAgent()Clears the current User Agent header.
HttpClient.GetCookies(domain)Returns an array of KeyValues of cookies currently set in http client for the specific domain.
HttpClient.WebRequest(url, httpMethod, extraHeaders=Nil)Sends a new Web Request without content. A URL and a HTTP Method are required.
HttpClient.WebRequest(url, method, content[], extraHeaders=Nil)Sends a new Web Request with a byte array content. A URL, HTTP Method and a byte array (number array) are required.
HttpClient.WebRequest(url, method, content, extraHeaders=Nil)Sends a new Wen Request with a string content. A URL, HTTP Method and a string are required.
HttpClient.WebRequest(url, method, table, extraHeaders=Nil)Sends a new Wen Request with Json content. A URL, HTTP Method and an object are required. The Object will be serialized to Json string internally.

Extra Detail

In Massive Loop, you can only send web requests to URLs which are whitelisted by the Massive Loop server admin. The URL path needs to be fully defined in the server. For example, to make a web request to and, both paths need to be registered in the massive loop server settings.

HttpClient by default contains settings to make basic Json requests, however, these settings can be overridden. These settings are as follows: UseGZipDecompression=true UseDeflateDecompression=true UseDefaultHeaders=true User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246 Content-Type: application/json